Cambiaformas: Mundos y Cabezas – Conversación entre Noé Cuéllar y Tomás Ybarra-Frausto
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Cambiaformas: Mundos y Cabezas – Conversación entre Noé Cuéllar y Tomás Ybarra-Frausto

The following is an edited excerpt of a transcript of a conversation, in Spanish, between artist/researcher Noé Cuéllar and Chicano scholar Tomás Ybarra-Frausto. Their encounter took place in San Antonio, Texas on May 9th, 2022, during Cuéllar’s Cultivarte Laredo C-Studio Residency as Nestor. Their conversation revolves around transformations: Nestor’s artwork developed during the residency, and Ybarra-Frausto’s life-long research into Chicano culture, including his essay Rasquachismo: A Chicano Sensibility. Touching on shifting histories, childhood memories, and the power of symbols, their encounter raises questions about artistic perceptions and cultural identities, and the multiplicity of their viewpoints.

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